
Nick in Gent, Belgium

Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to have a successful France & Belgium & Western Europe!

Last week, I went to Normandy and Belgium. Again this trip confirmed the huge need for new churches to be planted! The city of Le Havre for example has approx. 200,000 people. 0.5% (half a percent), are evangelical. This equates to about 1000 people!! There are about 5 evangelical churches.

I spoke to a Pastor of a church in Lillebonne a city of 15,000 people. There are only 2 churches in this town, again less than 1% have a personal relationship with Jesus.

I spoke to a number of pastors in Belgium and they confirmed that Belgium has less than 1% evangelical christians!!

Even if we DOUBLE these figures, there is still a huge need for the reality of God to breakthrough. The harvest is indeed great. The challenges and the opportunities are massive!! In fact the needs in Western Europe can certainly feel so overwhelmingly huge that one can very easily get discouraged and think what can we do in these nations. So how do we strategise for harvest in Western Europe?

Last time I blogged about the 1st key to a successful harvest.
1. Sow Seed. The tree is already in the seed. Keep sowing seed. Harvest is impossible without sowing seed.

Key no 2. 
We receive in the harvest what kind of seed we sow. 
Sow apple seeds, you receive apple trees. Like-wise when we sow Gospel seeds, we receive Gospel results. As we continue to sow seeds towards the starting of new churches - new churches will eventually be birthed!!

Focus has trememdous power! For example; water with a little sand mixed in it, pushed through a small nostle, under huge pressure, is able to cut through 1-2 cm of steal! Or can cut through rock! That's the power of focus. Focus on harvest and the starting of new churches (which is the best way to fulfill Matt 28, the Great Commission that Jesus gave to us)  ...will have the same result.  Breakthrough will happen in time. Keep sowing. Keep dreaming, talking, discussing, imagining, believing, praying, and planning for new churches and harvest, it will happen it simply takes time...

Please continue to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send out workers, labourer's, in HIS harvest! Matt 9:37-38.  We need Jesus loving, bold, faith filled, pioneering people who will dare to breakthrough, persevere and begin new churches. Churches that will start churches!! Are you in?

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