
Nick in Gent, Belgium

Sunday, May 27, 2012

'How to start a church for dummies'. FAQ's & Info Day!

This weekend a new book in Dutch is being released at Opwekking, 'How to start a church for dummies'. If you purchase your pack at 'Opwekking' (this weekend) - it will give you free access to the FAQ's and information day.

'FAQ's & Information Day' - 25 August, 2012   Time 9:30-13:30
Register by emailing 
If you have your pack it's free.  Without a pack, the cost is 10 Euro's. You will receive your 'How to start a church for dummies' pack on the day. 

This will be a very exciting time of answering the questions of how to partner together and put feet to the dream of 'planting churches in Western Europe'.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to start a Church for dummies.

Yesterday I recieved a box of my newly printed books, "How to start a church for dummies".  By the way it's in Dutch. It deals with the ABC's of church planting. It answers questions such as; what is church? It's quite facinating when the question is asked of Christians, "What is church?" The response is quite subjective. What are the componants of a Biblical Church? What do you think? How does one begin a new church? What do you do? It's all in the book...

I am believing this will be a tool to empower Europe's next they will be able to be effective in the best way to fulfill Matthew 28: the great Commission that Jesus gave to us! This is Church planting! It's still the best long term evangelistic strategy under God's Heaven. Mission leaders around the world believe this to be true. Dr Ralph Winter, Dr C.P.Wagner, Dr Jim Montgomery, Ed Stetzer, Warren Bird, Tim Keller, Rick Warren and Floyd McClung Jr, to name but a few. In the book of Acts, Paul has three so called missionary journeys, I believe, they are three church planting & church strengthening journeys! 

So if all the above is true...if it really is true, are you somehow involved? I am still absolutely convinced that if we are really serious about reaching Europe for Christ, we MUST employ the most effective planting!! 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Developing the Church????

I think it requires alot of love, joy, peace, forbearance - patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self control to remain committed to a local church. It is much easier to go to a seminar, conference or workshop. These require little commitment and development of the above! In fact in a seminar context, I don't even have to talk to others, let alone get to know them very well. Spiritual development is never developed or tested in a conference context, or in isolation from long term commitment to a community. Spiritual development is the result of commitment long term to a local church. Spiritual development...the fruit of the spirit (as above) are never developed in a micro-wave environment. It is developed over time, as we die to self and commit to a community of faith...the church! That's not easy for me, myself and I have to die! Western Christianity doesn't handle this too well! Yip, the church is still God's plan A! It may be tough but it's the best! It's where true growth takes place. What about the place of Seminars, conferences & workshops? They are there to enhance, support, encourage & come alongside the local church, never to replace it!

Friday, May 4, 2012

How imortant is the customer? How important is the visitor?

How important is the visitor in your church? 
If you are in business, how important is your customer?

Look at what Mahatma Gandhi says: "A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependant on us, we are dependant on him. He is not an interuption in our work, he is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider to our business, He is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him, he is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do".    

Healthy churches have at least 5-8 people for every 100 people in service attendance. 

So some questions are: 
How do you treat and how much value do you place on your visitors? 
How can you increase your visitor flow? 
How can you make your visitors FEEL welcome?