
Nick in Gent, Belgium

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

5 keys to a successful harvest!

In previous posts I have written about the keys to a successful harvest. There are five! And I will get to those in a moment. I like them for they are uncluttered, I believe they work in any culture or people group and they are powerful truths that are do-able for everybody.

But I found another factor that relates to this, just last week. The soil. In India the spiritual soil or the spiritual climate (especially in South India) has been plowed and it seems ready, people are responsive, churches are planted daily and relatively easy. Now compare this to the soil in Western Europe. The spiritual climate is completely different and that fact needs to be recognised. So we need to remember this as we action the 5 keys! 

Previous posts talk about, 1. Keep SOWING seed.  2. We RECEIVE in the Harvest what kind of seed we sow.  3. We always receive MORE than what we sowed.  4. You reap in ANOTHER SEASON than when you sowed.  

5. We can't do anything about yesterday's harvest, but we can effect & influence the harvest of tomorrow!

This encourages me to keep sowing, praying and labouring today. We might not see all we would like...even in our lifetime, but as we are doing our part, we will effect the harvest of tomorrow!