
Nick in Gent, Belgium

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How do we move in God's supernatural power? some thoughts...

How do we move in the Spirit?

Firstly let me make something very clear, moving in God's power is normal Christianity and is not complicated or's easy!!

Here are some key's I have found:
1. Die to your understanding. Simply open up to God in an intuitive sense, let the mind catch up later. Dethrone reason; God is Spirit, not brain. Don't abandon it, simply dethrone it! Allow the brain to catch up later. Learn to back yourself...believe in yourself. All you can make is a mistake!
2. Focus on what God does, not on what He doesn't do! Often we focus on what isn't happening.
3. Just a hint is often all you get. After prayer, it maybe a thought, idea...a hint speak to this person, say this to them. Ask the Holy Spirit what do you want me to say - "what thoughts do you want me to communicate, what downloads / revelation / insights from Heaven do you want me to speak out."
4. Do the possible - allow God to do the impossible. e.g. The feeding of 1000's of people with a few loaves & fish - a small boy's lunch; OR Peter at the temple gate. A principle seems to be that we often need to first give something to God to work with!
5. God works often with hungry people who are desperate! How desperate are we for God to move? There are many examples of this in 2Kings 17. / 2 Kings 4: Both of these stories describe God moving miraculously in desperate, hopeless situations!

Hmmmmm...thoughts to meditate on...give it a go!!!

Travel - Nick & Karen - Europe

We are staying with rellies in Driebergen, near Utrecht, till Wed. 19th May. During this time we have been connecting with people face to face who we have only previously met through email. Plus, we are trying to get our social security numbers! This has been quite a process. We can't open bank accounts or get a cell phone till we get this number. It's a big brother country with huge red tape!! We have an appointment with the appropriate authorities early next month, I will get that number at this meeting (I believe). Karen will have to wait...that's another story.

On wed 19th - 23rd May we go to Brussels where we speak at the Apostolic Churches Conference, for French speaking Churches. It is Pentecost weekend - Yeah...I have great expectations!!

23rd May - 28th May = Next Level International leaders meeting in Birmingham. This will be a fantastic time to connect with other leaders wanting to impact Europe.

29th May - 2nd June = Ministering in Jurgen's Church, Berlin. It will be great to be with him and see this City.

2nd June - 6th July = In our own house in Amsterdam, which will be great having our own space for a period of time. We think living out of suitcases is overrated!!!