
Nick in Gent, Belgium

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A successful harvest...HOW? keys 1-4! (There are a total of 5).

I am sure there are more keys than these, but these are my 5. It was well over 20 years ago I heard them, for the life of me I can't remember where, but they have really helped me to keep focused on what God has called me to do. 

I like them for they are do-able, simple and uncluttered. I do believe we have cluttered Christianity & Church for that matter... When I hear some speakers, read some books & articles, Christinaity can seem so complicated & difficult, especially in Western Europe. Christianity is profound & supernatural, but certainly not complicated.

The first 3 keys on how to have a successful harvest are, (mentioned in previous posts): 
2. We RECIEVE in the harvest what kind of seed we sow.
3. We recieve in the harvest MORE than what we sowed.
Now number... 
4. We reap in ANOTHER SEASON than when we sowed. 
I remember when my mum was teaching me about gardening, I  was in primary school. We planted the seeds on a Saturday. On the Tuesdsay I came home from school and went straight to the garden. I looked & couldn't see anything! Now for a small boy, Saturday till Tuesday was eternity, so I dug up the seed to show mum. She smiled and asked me to replant it and leave it buried. She reminded me that as I have the patience to wait & trust, I WILL be able to see it rising above the ground!  Supernatural... but it's so true. Of course that's exactly what happened. 

Often we plant and expect to reap a harvest immediately. I wish... Sometimes it takes weeks, months or even years!! This is a powerful principle. We always reap in another season then when we sow!! It often takes time, personally I don't like this! I want things to happen now, today, immediately, straight away...

We always reap in another season then when we sow!!  This teaches us, to wait on God, patience, keep on sowing & simply learning the art of continuing & persevering to do what God has called us to do. And of course the biggi...keep trusting Him! 

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