
Nick in Gent, Belgium

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Planting Churches that Plant a virus, through Western Europe!

Why? Harvest. Matt 28 / Acts 1:8
Who? R.E.A.L. Our job is to find & Release European Apostolic Leaders.
DNA & Values? S.M.A.R.T. If we loose one of these we loose the heart of what we are doing. Supernatural, Multiplication, Apostolic leadership, Reaching the lost, Training & development.

Did you know 88,000 people per year leave the church in Holland. That's 1600 per week!! Two churches close their doors every week in the Netherlands. In 2009 52,000 people left protestant churches in Holland. The % of Christians by the way is higher than most other Western European Countries. (From the Dutch book "The Church is dead - long live the King". by Otto De Bruijne & En Stijn Postema).

In Western Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark), = 332 million people. If there is an average of 3% Evangelical Christian = 10 million Christians, (which I think is high). That leaves 322 million lost...a Christ-less eternity awaits - hell!! Something must be done! Some countries such as Belgium, France & Denmark have only .05 - 1% Evangelical Christians!!

David Womack, "There is only ONE way the Great Commission can be fulfilled, & that is by establishing Gospel preaching congregations in every community on the face of the earth".

C.P.Wagner, in his book "Spreading the Fire, pg 60", says, "The most concrete, lasting form of ministry in Acts is church planting..." In his book, "Blazing the way, pg 48", he says, "No missiological principle is more important than saturation church planting."

Dr Ralph Winter states, "The extensive activity of starting new congregations, the care & feeding of new congregations is thus the central activity to which ALL evangelistic methods must be bent."

Rick Warren, "The BEST way to fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus gave to us, is to plant new churches..."

Tim Keller, say's in (Viral Churches, by Stetzer & Bird, pg 72), "If we want to increase the % of Christians in a village, city or Nation, we must plant hundreds of churches". In fact he goes on to say, "New church planting is the ONLY way that we can be sure we are going to increase the number of believers in a city & it's one of the best ways to renew the whole Body of Christ."

Stetzer & Bird in their book, Viral Churches say, "The early church implemented the Great Commission mandate primarily by planting new churches."

C.P.Wagner, sums it all up with his famous quote, "The BEST (my insert - long term) evangelistic method under Heaven is church planting".

An African proverb says, "There is a crime in the desert worse than murder, that is to KNOW where the WATER IS and NOT tell anybody".

If not YOU...WHO?
If not NOW...WHEN?
If not HERE...WHERE?

If indeed the above statements are correct & true, I encourage you to partner in some way with a church planting ministry. Your missions dollar will not be wasted & it will bear fruit for many generations to come!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What are we up to? - Journalling - Sanity restored. The BEST way to fulfill Matt 28!

What are we up to?
  • We are off to Karlsruhe, Germany this weekend, (23rd - 26th October), to meet with Bryce & Kate Gilmor, and their family & speak in their church! What a blast from the past this will be. Bryce & Kate are serving with Stieger International. They were in our church in Hamilton many years ago, as singles & then as a young married couple. It will be alot of fun & laughs I'm sure!!
  • On the 27th Oct. we are in Ede meeting with a few contacts which I'm sure will be fruitful.
  • For three weeks we have been taking the devotions in a Bible School (His Masters Commission) in Amsterdam North. We are really enjoying being with young people!
  • Finding and nurturing the connections in Europe is our main work here. We aim to begin a Saturday & Sunday meeting (2 different places in Amsterdam) before Christmas...we are looking forward to this. We have 2 buildings to use.
  • I will put some Church planting quotes at the END of this BLOG.
Journalling - Sanity restored! I have been journalling now for almost 20 years. I think it has been a critical ingredient in my christian life. As I talk to people in leadership, I am surprised at how many DON'T journal.
Journalling is powerful for several reasons...
1. It is like talking to another person. I find that sometimes talking to someone else helps to clarify issues & situations. If the issue is private & personal then it is great to journal it. Also journalling it over a few days or weeks can really help come to some clarification, answers & action points.
2. Journalling captures the issues, concerns, fears, attitudes & bad thinking patterns on the page! This is huge. Our minds can go round & round & round over a hurt, issue or wrong thinking that can be destructive. Remember that from our thinking, comes our emotions, which in turn causes actions. That's good if our thinking is good, but if it is negative or destructive in some way our emotions will be effected and this can lead to wrong actions. So to interrupt stinking thinking journalling is a key. There are times I write out whole prayers.
3. I often receive preaching messages, ideas & revelation while journalling. If we let the theater of our imagination run; where will it take you? I go to all sorts of wonderful places in God, dreaming, imagining & planning. I also capture those thoughts on a page. This enables me to process them - pray about them and see what God says in it all.

People often say as I did when I began, "What do you write". Sometimes you need to prime the pump to get it started. I began by asking the question, "What did I do yesterday?...How did I feel yesterday went?...What am I enjoying today?...What can I give thanks for today?...What are my major concerns at this time?...What is God saying to me about these?..."

I wrote this when I changed Journals at the beginning of 2010...
Why Journal?
-Disappointments are able to be de-cluttered.
-Untruths are brought out into the light.
-Truths are uncovered.
-Sadness is captured & held long enough to ask the appropriate questions.
-Gladness is celebrated.
-Difficulties are able to be spoken about freely & easily.
-It gives counsel.
-Dreams are nurtured.
-Questions are answered.
-Revelation is recorded.
-It brings self awareness.
-My thinking is checked.
-Prayers are recorded & re-prayed.
-It uncovers heartache & brings healing.
-Perspectives are clarified.
-Messages from God are saved.
-Insights are gained & captured.
-The future is discovered & imagined.
-Clarity comes.
-God ideas come to the surface.
So why wouldn't you begin Journalling! Believe me if I can do it, anyone can...

NOW for the quotes...on the BEST way to evangelize!!
(from the book "Viral Churches" - By Ed Stetzer & Warren Bird. Jossey-Bass).
  • "The best way to fulfill the great commission that Jesus gave to us in Matt 28, is to plant new Churches". Rick Warren.
  • "The single most effective evangelistic method under Heaven is planting new churches" ...who in turn reproduce themselves. Peter Wagner.
  • Pauls missionary journeys were church planting journeys.
  • Paul planted new churches, that in turn planted new churches.
  • The early church implemented the Great Commission mandate primarily by planting churches.
  • The healthiest churches are those who reproduce...
  • ...Disciples multiplying churches - not the other way around...
  • "It's time to stop counting converts and begin counting congregations." Ralph Moore.
  • What a great goal for every church plant...for every new church that is planted, to be born pregnant!!!
  • To really change things, we need to learn how to multiply churches.
  • "The only way to increase the number & percentage of Christians in a city is to plant thousands of new churches". Tim Keller
  • "New church planting is the only way that we can be sure we are going to increase the number of believers in a city & one of the best ways to renew the Body of Christ." Tim Keller.
The conclusion:
Let's not waste hard earned mission's dollars...use them to plant new churches!
Thank you for taking the time to read this...
...Until next time... think about how you can multiply yourself...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Europe, NZ & Multiplication.

We have made history...a small group has begun which meets every week. Its a beginning. I received a scripture on the 1st April 2010, a few days before we came to Europe, and was reminded of it on the first day we began our group: "DO NOT despise these small beginnings, for the Lord REJOICES to see the work begin". Zech 4:10. Yeah!! We also have been offered the weekly use of two in central & one in North Amsterdam. We are aiming to begin something this year. Please pray for at least 2 couples to lead these churches.

I (Nick) go to NZ on the 14th Sept.
-I am speaking to leaders in Te Aroha Baptist on the 18th.
-Vision Church Tokoroa on the 19th;
-Westside Hamilton leaders on the 20th.
-A National Leaders Meeting on the 23rd.
-Then on 25th & 27th it's Vision Church Whangarei & Kaikohe.
-Our yearly Acts National Ministries Conference 27th - 30th.
-Then Te Awamutu Church on the 3rd October.
-It will be great to be with friends and family. I then leave for Holland on the 4th of October.

Karen goes to Belgium to be with the Burtons for a week, then is off to Edinburgh to be with Daniel & Zoe Moore.

Europe is a huge mission field. And to reach these great Nations of Western Europe, I am absolutely convinced & have a conviction deep within to see Churches rabbits!! EuroVision is all about Multiplication, churches that reproduce fact let me go further, networks or movements that reproduce themselves! This idea was never talked about until recently.

I am just reading a challenging book, (by practitioners), with a forward by Rick Warren - "Viral Churches" By Ed Stetzer & Warren Bird. (A Leadership Network publication: Jossey-Bass). They explain this fairly new missional concept very well.

Here are some quotes & thoughts:
"The single most effective evangelistic methodology under Heaven is planting new churches...who in turn reproduce themselves".
"Most Bible teachers have referred to Paul's travels as his 'Missionary journeys'. We prefer to to call them Paul's 'Church Planting Journeys'".
"Paul planted new Churches that in turn planted new Churches".
Christianity Today concludes; "Today's church planting is the default for evangelism". This is a North American summary.
"The early church implemented the Great Commission mandate primarily by planting churches".
Research shows:
-In the USA at least 60.000 churches were planted in the last 20 years. page 31
-The healthiest churches are those that reproduce. page 31
"Todays energy & enthusiasm about church planting in North America is at an unprecedented high".
"Church planting is worthwhile only if it advances God's Kingdom".
"Our Viral Church idea is about falling in love with multiplication and abandoning what seems to be an addiction to addition".
"Disciples multiplying churches: In seminary we learnt the metric of churches multiplying disciples. This will never result in massive mulitiplication".
"It's time to stop counting converts & begin counting congregations".
"...being born pregnant. What a great goal for every church plant".
"To really change things we need to learn how to multiply churches".

This book has great resources & is a huge encouragement to Karen & Me.

Thank you once again for your support and prayer...
Eph 3:20-21...what a great scripture...
Until next time...Nick & Karen.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Jesus Poem

It was 2am one morning in May 2009, I wrote this's called the Jesus Poem. A few people have requested it so here it is...

He's the Lilly of the valley
He's THE one by far
The rock of all the ages
He's the one and only star

He's the one for every Nation
He sets the people free
Of diseases and conditions
Which stuff up humanity

He's the Doctor of all Doctors
The delieverer is His Name
The one who sets the captives free
And prisoners out of shame

He's the great Jehovah Man
The I Am the I Am
Jesus is the able to do man
More than we think or can

To this God who lives inside of us
His ressurection plan
Is the impossible to be possible
And says that we can

His name is Jesus
He's the great I Am
The Alfa and Omega
The beginning and the end

His eyes ablaze with fire
His love as gracious as
He's the kindest of the kindest
His forgiveness is incomprehensible, ongoing as

His robe isdipped wit blood
His name is I Am
The mountains speak His grandeur
His Words create in man

He's the one who lives in us
The Rock of all the ages
He's the one that empowers us
And gives us life and more

He leads us through the valleys
They become rivers and resevoirs
We can eat and drink and drink and eat and drink and eat and drink & rest and so much more
Our soul He does restore

The darkness turns to light
He shows the way ahead
Death is swallowed up in victory
There's eternal life instead

He brings sight to the blind
Hope to hopelessness
And healing to all mankind
His name is Jesus - He's the kindest of the kind.

by Nick Klinkenberg.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hello from Amsterdam.

Hello from Holland!
We have actually been in Holland for only 20 days! After the first 10 we went to Brussels to speak at the Belgian Apostolic Covention. This went exceedingly well and we were blessed to have some Eastsiders present! Then we were off to the UK to connect with leaders from Next Level International, who are focussed on church planting in Europe. This was an encouraging time and we met some leaders who have had significant impact in a number of european countries. Then came Berlin - it was great to be with Jurgen & Miriam Eisen. Church was inspiring and their vision night at Dunkin Donuts was excellent! God is at work in Berlin!
Then we were back to Amsterdam...

We have been told it is summer - but alas it has not been very warm since we got here. BUT today was lovely! Sunshine does the heart & mind SO much good (especially if you are australian by birth). This has been an eventful week! We have moved into our house in Amsterdam north; we have bought a bike for Karen & a kind neighbour loaned one to Nick. So we are mobile, which is great. The bike paths are really fantastic. You can go all over Holland and not have to be on the main road.

We have been setting up house - which has taken quite some time. I never knew buying a bed could be so time consuming! We have been to the bank (a number of times); have successfully acquired a social security number, (which by the way took days) for Nick and have now been able to sort out his phone plan. Unfortunately until you have that number there are lots of "impossibles" in the way. Setting up house in a different country, with a different language is QUITE an experience... but it is all part of the journey. You can do anything (and put up with almost anything) if God gives you a dream!

We have had the pleasure of getting to know some of our neighbours a bit - all of whom live just a few meters away! They have helped us with washing, shopping, fixing bikes & blowing up airbeds!!! There is more than one way to get to know people...

We have had our first NZ visitor this week - Nic Rosser from Vision Church Eastside has been with us. It has been great to have her -she has helped us carry things to & fro and explored some more of Amsterdam with us.

There is a lot of colour around Holland at the moment - as you might be aware - the World Cup Football is on! Orange flags are everywhere. In fact in some shops EVERYTHING is ORANGE!

We have visited a couple of churches in the city; it has been great to meet up with their Pastors and hear their stories and their views on churches in Holland. We are still gaining a picture and are asking God for wisdom for the next step. Every day we are here, we walk down a new street, hear new words & meet new people.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

How do we move in God's supernatural power? some thoughts...

How do we move in the Spirit?

Firstly let me make something very clear, moving in God's power is normal Christianity and is not complicated or's easy!!

Here are some key's I have found:
1. Die to your understanding. Simply open up to God in an intuitive sense, let the mind catch up later. Dethrone reason; God is Spirit, not brain. Don't abandon it, simply dethrone it! Allow the brain to catch up later. Learn to back yourself...believe in yourself. All you can make is a mistake!
2. Focus on what God does, not on what He doesn't do! Often we focus on what isn't happening.
3. Just a hint is often all you get. After prayer, it maybe a thought, idea...a hint speak to this person, say this to them. Ask the Holy Spirit what do you want me to say - "what thoughts do you want me to communicate, what downloads / revelation / insights from Heaven do you want me to speak out."
4. Do the possible - allow God to do the impossible. e.g. The feeding of 1000's of people with a few loaves & fish - a small boy's lunch; OR Peter at the temple gate. A principle seems to be that we often need to first give something to God to work with!
5. God works often with hungry people who are desperate! How desperate are we for God to move? There are many examples of this in 2Kings 17. / 2 Kings 4: Both of these stories describe God moving miraculously in desperate, hopeless situations!

Hmmmmm...thoughts to meditate on...give it a go!!!

Travel - Nick & Karen - Europe

We are staying with rellies in Driebergen, near Utrecht, till Wed. 19th May. During this time we have been connecting with people face to face who we have only previously met through email. Plus, we are trying to get our social security numbers! This has been quite a process. We can't open bank accounts or get a cell phone till we get this number. It's a big brother country with huge red tape!! We have an appointment with the appropriate authorities early next month, I will get that number at this meeting (I believe). Karen will have to wait...that's another story.

On wed 19th - 23rd May we go to Brussels where we speak at the Apostolic Churches Conference, for French speaking Churches. It is Pentecost weekend - Yeah...I have great expectations!!

23rd May - 28th May = Next Level International leaders meeting in Birmingham. This will be a fantastic time to connect with other leaders wanting to impact Europe.

29th May - 2nd June = Ministering in Jurgen's Church, Berlin. It will be great to be with him and see this City.

2nd June - 6th July = In our own house in Amsterdam, which will be great having our own space for a period of time. We think living out of suitcases is overrated!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

News Flash: We are booked to fly from Philadelphia to Brussells on Wed 28 April; arriving 8am next morning. We will be staying with Andy & Karen Burton, Operation Mobilisation Leaders in Brussells. Nick is planning to attend SHOUT UK conference in London that weekend! How cool!! Karen will probably stay in Brussells.
We will put up photos when we get back to Phillie... Take care everyone. Love from Us. xxx
We are in CANADA!!! Do you remember that often Paul's journeys were"interrupted" by all sorts of things... Well, our journey was interrupted by ASH! We had spent 3 days in LA with a tennis friend, Richard & his wife Carolyn. I played tennis in Hamilton in the morning and in LA in the afternoon! How cool is that? We then flew to NYC and were met by Phil Underwood, a colleague & friend for over 30 years. Phil & Gillian have been pastoring Cornerstone Church in Philadelphia for 13 years. We spent a week with them, preaching on the Sunday & midweek. We did some tripping around with Phil, visited State College which their youngest daughter attends (some 4 hours away)... then we found some wonderful outlet shops, which of course we had to "really" experience. It was time to head for NYC again to leave for Europe - but alas the ASH cloud had appeared & the planes had stopped! We spent about 4 days trying to contact our airline with no success & preached at Phil's church again. They were keen to pursuade us to stay "for a while" at Philadelphia - it could be a home away from home!

Anyway, we decided it was time to explore - Karen really wanted to see Niagara Falls ... so off we went. It was only 5 minutes before we took a wrong turn on the motorway - that was challenging! We went via Elim Bible Institute and caught up on some wonderful history.

After a trip on the Maid of the Mist boat that goes very close to the falls,we ventured back onto the freeway off to Toronto. Oh my goodness!!! Traffic, traffic & more traffic.

We are very thankful for the invention of GPS. We have discovered that the 401 goes forever and that you have to stay in the Rt Hand Connector to be able to get off when you need to!

We stayed with Pastors Phil & Rebecca Woodridge; pastors of the apostolic church in Toronto. They originally came from Wales & then were missionaries in Chile for about 10 years. What a great couple!

Now we are in Peterborough with Ps John Kristiansen; where I will preach tomorrow morning. I am really looking forward to it. We have a revival planned for 9.30am!

Well hopefully our next report will be from Europe - we are booked to fy out next wednesday night - direct to Brussells. Bless you all. Much love Nick & Karen.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Adventure is REALLY Happening!

It's countdown time!!!

IN 5 WEEKS we'll be arriving in LA! During those relaxing weeks we will have packed up house, visited Christchurch with 2 of our boys & their wives to see Oma & had VCI Retreat 15,16,17 March!!! With just a few more things thrown in along the way! Nick will be 54 in 3 wks time - maybe he's too old to travel??? And then we have our 32nd Wedding Anniversary... and we are about to begin an exciting adventure. My Dutch has taken a bit of a back seat with all the packing up - but I will be getting a crash course very soon. I'm sure Nick's Aunt and Uncle will help me no end & push me to speak & endeavour to understand! Could be dangerous!
We farewelled Josh & Amberley to Great Barrier Island this week - they are leading a Prophetic worship course for 3 months at Orama. It is so exciting to see them step into this new season. Elijah has been crawling for about 3 weeks - oooh that is Wonderful to see! He is really a great miracle and we thank God for every step. He still has a few operations up ahead - They won't be happening until next summer so, plenty of time for the miraculous to intervene. Amen...
Well, I'm back to the boxes.. coffee breaks only last so long. We have a couple of great contacts in Europe & have just said yes to a house for all of June! So cool. God is good.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Schedule for Feb/March 2010

4-15 Feb N & K in Christchurch & Westport
15-20 Hamilton - Packing Up
21 Feb Owen & Raewyn Frethy's church Auckland
26 Feb-8Mar Nick in Dunedin & Christchurch
4 - 8 March K in Christchurch
6-7 March Family Wkend in Christchurch
12 March Move out of house & handover to tenants
14 March Eastside all services
15-17 March VCI Retreat in Taupo
21 March Northend Church TeAwamutu
22 March Nick's Bday!
25-27 ? Orama to visit Josh & Amberley
28th Vision church Tokoroa with Lionel & Becks
2nd April ? Shout Conference
3rd April Nick at Missions Conf in Auckland
4th April Prayed out Eastside 10am
6th April Leave Auckland 7pm to LA...
N & K in NZ 8th July – 5 August for Inspire Conf/Elijah is 2!
28 July-3rd Aug Christchurch
Nick in NZ 15 September – 4 October for National ACTS Conf.

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010, Europe, Church Planting, Why Journal!!!

Karen here:
Wow - can you believe it is 2010... how many times will we have to write that before it seems real! I have suddenly become aware that we are going to Holland THIS YEAR!
Oh my - it's not really future anymore! We are now officially on countdown of 13 weeks and 4 days.... (from today that is), 11 weeks left in our house! (actually only 7 as we are away for 4...) YO!!!

We are blessed to have a family to rent our house - so that is one box fully ticked. We also have the first tickets booked and paid for! ( 6 April - 8 July) We also have a home-away-from-home to call our base when we are back from overseas... isn't that cool.

I am reminded that Proverbs says "Do not worry about tomorrow .. today's troubles are enough for themselves!" - so we will take each day & week at a time. Packing for giving away, storing for 2 years and taking with us... Doesn't that sound like fun. Any packing tips are hugely appreciated!

We trust that 2010 will be a great year for you - and we both know that "great" has many many variances & outcomes - but one thing we are sure of, is that God is GREAT and with Him we are in a very good place.

Nick's turn...
Our priorities this year when we arrive in Europe, (Amsterdam), besides finding an apartment to rent, and all that is required in settling into a new country; are:
1. Find & disciple (mentor,coach) church planting leaders. Leaders if 1000's, 100's, 50's & 10's.
2. Create a beach-head by planting the first churches.

We are still waiting to see if Karen has a Dutch passport. (I have received mine).

We always appreciate your prayer regarding this huge venture. We are prayed for and sent out from our home church, Eastside Hamilton on the 4th April.

Yesterday I changed Journals & thought about this journalling thing...
-Disappointments are able to be de-cluttered.
-Untruths are brought out into the light.
-Truths are uncovered.
-Sadness is captured & held long enough to ask the appropriate questions.
-Gladness is celebrated.
-Difficulties are able to be spoken about freely & easily.
-It gives council.
-Dreams are nurtured.
-Questions are answered.
-Revelation is recorded.
-It brings self awareness.
-it uncovers heartache, & brings healing.
-perspectives are clarified.
-messages from God are saved.

Sooo why wouldn't you begin Journalling! Believe me if I can do it, anyone can...

This year, may you know HIS Favour, Grace & fruitfulness in 2ten...& may God keep you close to His heart & His purposes - we look forward to catching up in the near future - hopefully in person - if not, email and phone are wonderful too.

Nick & Karen...

2010. Europe. Church Planting.