
Nick in Gent, Belgium

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Do we realize how much God has given us?

Flying back from London this year, I was reading the daily mail. There was sad but fascinating article about a homeless man who was found frozen to death in Wyoming. He died from hypothermia under a railway overpass. Authorites found few uncashed cheques in his wallet. The story doesn't end there. His name was Tim Gray who was an adopted son of the wider Clark family when he was five by Dr Gerald Gray. At the time of his death Tim was due to inherit 12 million pounds!!

A very sad story indeed. But maybe as disciples of Christ we live not realizing how much God has given us? Let's go back in time and look at the story Jesus told of the lost son. (They are 3 stories making the same point - but that's another story). Luke 15:1-32.
The younger son comes home ashamed & repentant and even after the Father gives him the
'finest robe' - signifing, honour,
a 'ring' - this gave the son power of attorney (authority),
'sandals' - which stands for freedom, the father gives the younger son a huge party!!

The older son enters the story and is angry and will not enter the party... 'I've slaved for you all these years never once refused to do a single thing you told me to do. You have never given me a party so I could celebrate with my this son of your's...'

The father replies, 'you are always with me & EVERYTHING I have is YOUR'S'.

Two powerful supernatural basic truths that run through the New Testiment: He is with us! And EVERYTHING I have is your's! 

Tim was adopted. Did he realize what he had? Maybe he did, but didn't walk in what was his. We are adopted. Do you realize what you have in Christ? 

The inheritance is being contested by family and friends...there's a terrible fight going on!! Our fight has already been fought & JESUS!! 

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