In previous posts I have written about the keys to a successful harvest. There are five! And I will get to those in a moment. I like them for they are uncluttered, I believe they work in any culture or people group and they are powerful truths that are do-able for everybody.
But I found another factor that relates to this, just last week. The soil. In India the spiritual soil or the spiritual climate (especially in South India) has been plowed and it seems ready, people are responsive, churches are planted daily and relatively easy. Now compare this to the soil in Western Europe. The spiritual climate is completely different and that fact needs to be recognised. So we need to remember this as we action the 5 keys!
Previous posts talk about, 1. Keep SOWING seed. 2. We RECEIVE in the Harvest what kind of seed we sow. 3. We always receive MORE than what we sowed. 4. You reap in ANOTHER SEASON than when you sowed.
5. We can't do anything about yesterday's harvest, but we can effect & influence the harvest of tomorrow!
This encourages me to keep sowing, praying and labouring today. We might not see all we would like...even in our lifetime, but as we are doing our part, we will effect the harvest of tomorrow!
Nick & Karen Klinkenberg are ministers under ACTS Churches NZ. They give leadership to Vision Churches International...a relational network of churches and leaders who partner together to significantly influence their world for Christ. Vision Churches International Mission: Passionate for Harvest, Multiplying Community, Sharing Life Together!
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
A successful harvest...HOW? keys 1-4! (There are a total of 5).
I am sure there are more keys than these, but these are my 5. It was well over 20 years ago I heard them, for the life of me I can't remember where, but they have really helped me to keep focused on what God has called me to do.
I like them for they are do-able, simple and uncluttered. I do believe we have cluttered Christianity & Church for that matter... When I hear some speakers, read some books & articles, Christinaity can seem so complicated & difficult, especially in Western Europe. Christianity is profound & supernatural, but certainly not complicated.
The first 3 keys on how to have a successful harvest are, (mentioned in previous posts):
2. We RECIEVE in the harvest what kind of seed we sow.
3. We recieve in the harvest MORE than what we sowed.
Now number...
4. We reap in ANOTHER SEASON than when we sowed.
I remember when my mum was teaching me about gardening, I was in primary school. We planted the seeds on a Saturday. On the Tuesdsay I came home from school and went straight to the garden. I looked & couldn't see anything! Now for a small boy, Saturday till Tuesday was eternity, so I dug up the seed to show mum. She smiled and asked me to replant it and leave it buried. She reminded me that as I have the patience to wait & trust, I WILL be able to see it rising above the ground! Supernatural... but it's so true. Of course that's exactly what happened.
Often we plant and expect to reap a harvest immediately. I wish... Sometimes it takes weeks, months or even years!! This is a powerful principle. We always reap in another season then when we sow!! It often takes time, personally I don't like this! I want things to happen now, today, immediately, straight away...
We always reap in another season then when we sow!! This teaches us, to wait on God, patience, keep on sowing & simply learning the art of continuing & persevering to do what God has called us to do. And of course the biggi...keep trusting Him!
I like them for they are do-able, simple and uncluttered. I do believe we have cluttered Christianity & Church for that matter... When I hear some speakers, read some books & articles, Christinaity can seem so complicated & difficult, especially in Western Europe. Christianity is profound & supernatural, but certainly not complicated.
The first 3 keys on how to have a successful harvest are, (mentioned in previous posts):
2. We RECIEVE in the harvest what kind of seed we sow.
3. We recieve in the harvest MORE than what we sowed.
Now number...
4. We reap in ANOTHER SEASON than when we sowed.
I remember when my mum was teaching me about gardening, I was in primary school. We planted the seeds on a Saturday. On the Tuesdsay I came home from school and went straight to the garden. I looked & couldn't see anything! Now for a small boy, Saturday till Tuesday was eternity, so I dug up the seed to show mum. She smiled and asked me to replant it and leave it buried. She reminded me that as I have the patience to wait & trust, I WILL be able to see it rising above the ground! Supernatural... but it's so true. Of course that's exactly what happened.
Often we plant and expect to reap a harvest immediately. I wish... Sometimes it takes weeks, months or even years!! This is a powerful principle. We always reap in another season then when we sow!! It often takes time, personally I don't like this! I want things to happen now, today, immediately, straight away...
We always reap in another season then when we sow!! This teaches us, to wait on God, patience, keep on sowing & simply learning the art of continuing & persevering to do what God has called us to do. And of course the biggi...keep trusting Him!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
How to have a successful Harvest...keys 1, 2 & now Number 3...
I just arrived back from the Czech Republic! What an amazing country and history. I think Prague (Praha) is one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. YET only 0.06% of the population have a personal realtionship with Jesus! So much needs to be done. Whole towns & small cities have little or no churches at all. We are losing a generation, probably more!! What can we do, here are a few thoughts?
(See the last few BLOGs for the first 2 keys on how to have a successful harvest...)
1. SOW SEED. Just keep sowing. It is impossible to havest without sowing!!
2. We RECEIVE in the harvest what kind of seed you sow.
3. We recieve in the harvest MORE than what you sow!
This is an amazing & encouraging supernatural truth. If I sow ONE apple seed in the ground, in time an apple tree grows. But it produces many many apples. But more than this, it produces hundreds of seeds...from ONE apple seed! If this happens in the natural, IMAGINE as you have God of Heaven backing you, (for HE want's no person to perish...He so desires people to know HIM & new churches to begin), it's called multiplication, supernatural... In fact if we are really serious about reaching countries like Czech Republic, we need to find God inspired reproducable ways / systems of multiplying churches to reach this generation and the next!!
Last week it was very exciting to be with a group of leaders who have the vision, faith and perseverance to plant at least one church a year. They are aiming to double this & more next year!!
For more information: contact
Thursday, May 2, 2013
How to have a successful France & Belgium & Western Europe!
Last week, I went to Normandy and Belgium. Again this trip confirmed the huge need for new churches to be planted! The city of Le Havre for example has approx. 200,000 people. 0.5% (half a percent), are evangelical. This equates to about 1000 people!! There are about 5 evangelical churches.
I spoke to a Pastor of a church in Lillebonne a city of 15,000 people. There are only 2 churches in this town, again less than 1% have a personal relationship with Jesus.
I spoke to a number of pastors in Belgium and they confirmed that Belgium has less than 1% evangelical christians!!
Even if we DOUBLE these figures, there is still a huge need for the reality of God to breakthrough. The harvest is indeed great. The challenges and the opportunities are massive!! In fact the needs in Western Europe can certainly feel so overwhelmingly huge that one can very easily get discouraged and think what can we do in these nations. So how do we strategise for harvest in Western Europe?
Last time I blogged about the 1st key to a successful harvest.
1. Sow Seed. The tree is already in the seed. Keep sowing seed. Harvest is impossible without sowing seed.
Key no 2.
We receive in the harvest what kind of seed we sow.
Sow apple seeds, you receive apple trees. Like-wise when we sow Gospel seeds, we receive Gospel results. As we continue to sow seeds towards the starting of new churches - new churches will eventually be birthed!!
Focus has trememdous power! For example; water with a little sand mixed in it, pushed through a small nostle, under huge pressure, is able to cut through 1-2 cm of steal! Or can cut through rock! That's the power of focus. Focus on harvest and the starting of new churches (which is the best way to fulfill Matt 28, the Great Commission that Jesus gave to us) ...will have the same result. Breakthrough will happen in time. Keep sowing. Keep dreaming, talking, discussing, imagining, believing, praying, and planning for new churches and harvest, it will happen it simply takes time...
Please continue to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send out workers, labourer's, in HIS harvest! Matt 9:37-38. We need Jesus loving, bold, faith filled, pioneering people who will dare to breakthrough, persevere and begin new churches. Churches that will start churches!! Are you in?
I spoke to a Pastor of a church in Lillebonne a city of 15,000 people. There are only 2 churches in this town, again less than 1% have a personal relationship with Jesus.
I spoke to a number of pastors in Belgium and they confirmed that Belgium has less than 1% evangelical christians!!
Even if we DOUBLE these figures, there is still a huge need for the reality of God to breakthrough. The harvest is indeed great. The challenges and the opportunities are massive!! In fact the needs in Western Europe can certainly feel so overwhelmingly huge that one can very easily get discouraged and think what can we do in these nations. So how do we strategise for harvest in Western Europe?
Last time I blogged about the 1st key to a successful harvest.
1. Sow Seed. The tree is already in the seed. Keep sowing seed. Harvest is impossible without sowing seed.
Key no 2.
We receive in the harvest what kind of seed we sow.
Sow apple seeds, you receive apple trees. Like-wise when we sow Gospel seeds, we receive Gospel results. As we continue to sow seeds towards the starting of new churches - new churches will eventually be birthed!!
Focus has trememdous power! For example; water with a little sand mixed in it, pushed through a small nostle, under huge pressure, is able to cut through 1-2 cm of steal! Or can cut through rock! That's the power of focus. Focus on harvest and the starting of new churches (which is the best way to fulfill Matt 28, the Great Commission that Jesus gave to us) ...will have the same result. Breakthrough will happen in time. Keep sowing. Keep dreaming, talking, discussing, imagining, believing, praying, and planning for new churches and harvest, it will happen it simply takes time...
Please continue to pray for the Lord of the harvest to send out workers, labourer's, in HIS harvest! Matt 9:37-38. We need Jesus loving, bold, faith filled, pioneering people who will dare to breakthrough, persevere and begin new churches. Churches that will start churches!! Are you in?
Monday, April 22, 2013
Spain...keep sowing, 1st key for a successful Harvest!
I'm posting this again as, I was was trying to be fancy & highlight a few things, but unfortunately you can't read them!!!! haha.
Last week I went to Spain for the 3rd time. It was so encouraging. 47 million wonderful people whom God has created live in Spain. Yet top Christian leaders who have worked in Spain for over 30 years told me only 400.000 have a personal vibrant relationship with God. (This is from research done in Spain, the 400.000 is being very generous, ). That's less than 1%... 99% to go!!! Western Europe is THE mission field of the 21st century!
2 years ago I came to Spain and met with a number of leaders. I must say I was somewhat disappointed, as I thought nothing had transpired from my 2 trips. As it turns out, a pastor caught the vision of "bringing church to people” from our discussions. They had a midweek food distribution Center servicing 100s of people. He was inspired to start a church service around this programme. Since then a congregation has grown and has seen over 100 people saved. (amazing for Spain!) Many healings have also taken place. This same Pastor picked up the role of church planting director for his movement & in March ran his first church planting conference. As a result many Churches are believing for one or more towns or cities near them to begin new churches.
While there this time I was invited to speak by a Pastor in Tudela (4 hours drive from Madrid) who was also at our meetings 2 years ago. We spoke on church planting, plus spoke in his church. A church of 250 people or so, which by the way is quite large for Spain. What a blast, people came to Christ, God spoke very clearly to the church which was recieved, people were healed and many simply dedicated themselves to His purposes and to the call of God. God is moving...yet Labourer's are needed to focus on the best way to fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus gave to us in Matt 28. What can you do???
Harvest is ALWAYS dependant on the seeds we sow! Don't give up, keep sowing seeds. As in the natural, so in the spiritual, it can take months & years! But it WILL happen. The tree is in the seed!
While there this time I was invited to speak by a Pastor in Tudela (4 hours drive from Madrid) who was also at our meetings 2 years ago. We spoke on church planting, plus spoke in his church. A church of 250 people or so, which by the way is quite large for Spain. What a blast, people came to Christ, God spoke very clearly to the church which was recieved, people were healed and many simply dedicated themselves to His purposes and to the call of God. God is moving...yet Labourer's are needed to focus on the best way to fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus gave to us in Matt 28. What can you do???
Harvest is ALWAYS dependant on the seeds we sow! Don't give up, keep sowing seeds. As in the natural, so in the spiritual, it can take months & years! But it WILL happen. The tree is in the seed!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Failure & Condemnation; how we handle it in ourselves & others... (article by David Wilkenson)
Failure & condemnation, how we handle it in ourselves & others.
This is a great Article by the late David Wilkenson (Cross & Switchblade fame), written in 1978. He was reflecting on how ungracious, condemming & hurtful he had been in his earlier years of preaching. Full article on:
This is a great Article by the late David Wilkenson (Cross & Switchblade fame), written in 1978. He was reflecting on how ungracious, condemming & hurtful he had been in his earlier years of preaching. Full article on:
Would you consider Moses a failure? Hardly! He was to Israel what Washington and Lincoln together were to America - and much more. But look closely at the great lawgiver's life. His career began with a murder, followed by forty years hiding from justice.
Moses was a man of fear and unbelief. When God called him to lead the Israelites out of slavery, he pleaded, "I am not eloquent...I am slow of the hand of him whom thou wilt send" (Exodus 4:10,13). this angered God (4:14). All his life, Moses longed to enter the Promised Land, but his failures kept him out. Even so, God compares Moses' faithfulness to Christ's in Hebrews 3:1,2. His failures did not keep Moses out of God's Hall of Champions.
We usually think of Jacob as the great prayer warrior who wrestled with the angel of the Lord and prevailed. Jacob was given a vision of heaven with angels ascending and descending. Yet this man's life was filled with glaring failures, and Scripture does not hide any of them.
As a youth Jacob deceived his blind father to steal his brother's inheritance. Married, he despised his wife Leah while he nursed a great secret love for her sister Rachel. He did not accept his responsibiligy as a husband. After the birth of each manchild, Leah kept saying, "Now this time my husband will be joined unto me" (Genesis 29:34). But the fact was - Jacob hated her.
Here was a man caught in a web of trickery, graft, theft, unfaithfulness and polygamy. Nevertheless, we still worship the God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob.
King David, singer of psalms and mighty warrior, delighted in the law of the Lord and posed as the righteous man who would not stand among sinners. Yet, how shocking are the weaknesses of this great man. Taking Bathsheba from her husband Uriah, he sent that unsuspecting man to death at the front lines of his army. The prophet Nathan declared this double sin gave great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme.
Picture the great king standing by the casket of his dead illegitimate child, a stolen wife at his side and a world filled with enemies who cursed God because of his notorious sins. David stands there a total failure. Yet, God called David a man after His own heart (1 Samuel 13:14). He blessed the murderer Moses and the schemer Jacob, too, because these men learned how to profit from their failures and go on to victory.
If you are discouraged by your failures, I have good news for you. No one is closer to the Kingdom of God than the man or woman or young person who can look defeat in the eye, learn to face it, and move on to a life of peace and victory. Here is the program to do this.
1. Don't be afraid of failure. This seems like an automatic reaction. When Adam sinned, he tried to hide from God. When Peter had denied Christ, he was afraid to face Him. When Jonah refused to preach to Nineveh, his fear drove him into the ocean to flee from the presence of the Lord.
But God has shown me a truth that has helped me many times: Something much worse than failure is the fear that goes with it. Adam, Jonah and Peter ran away from God not because they had lost their love for Him, but because they were afraid He was too angry with them to understand. Satan uses such fear to make people think there is no use trying.
That old "accuser of the brethren" waits like a vulture for you to fail in some way. Then he uses every lie in hell to make you give up, to convince you that God is too holy or you are too sinful to come back. Or he makes you afraid you are not perfect enough, or tells you that you will never rise above your failure.
It took forty years to get the fear out of Moses and to make him usable in God's program. Meanwhile, God's plan of deliverance had to be delayed for nearly half a century while one man learned to face his failure. If Moses or Jacob or David had resigned himself to failure, we might never have heard of these men again. Yet, Moses rose up again to become one of God's greatest heroes. Jacob faced his sins, was reunited with the brother he had cheated, and reached new heights of victory. David ran into the house of God, laid hold of the horns of the altar, found forgiveness and peace and returned to his finest hour. Jonah retraced his steps, did what he had refused at first to do and brought a whole city-state to repentance and deliverance. Peter rose out of the ashes of denial to lead a church to Pentecost.
2. Despite failure, keep moving on. It is always after a failure that a man does his greatest work for God.
Twenty years ago I sat in my litttle car, weeping - a terrible failure, I thought. I had been unceremoniously dumped from a courtroom after I thought I was led by God to witness to seven teen-age murderers. I had seen my picture in the tabloids over the caption, "BIBLE WAVING PREACHER INTERRUPTS MURDER TRIAL." My attempt to obey God and to help those young hoodlums looked as though it was ending in horrible failure.
I shudder to think of how much blessing I would have missed if I had given up in that dark hour. How glad I am today that God taught me to face my failure and go on to His next step for me.
I know of two outstanding men of God - both of whom had ministered to thousands of people - who fell into the sin that David committed with Bathsheba. One minister decided that he could not go on. Today he drinks and curses the Christ he once preached about. The other man repented and started all over. He now heads an international missions program that reaches thousands for Christ. His failure has been left behind. He keeps moving forward.
In my work with narcotic addicts and incorrigibles, I have observed that the majority of those who return to their old habilts become stronger than all the others when they face their failures and return to the Lord. They have a special awareness of the power of Satan, a total rejection of confidence in the flesh.
3. Despite failure, continue to worship. There was only one way for Moses to stay in victory, because he had a disposition like so many of us today. He continually communed with the Lord, "...face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend" (Exodus 33:11). Moses maintained that close friendship with God. I believe the secret of holiness is very simple: Stay close to Jesus. Keep looking into His face until you become like the image you behold.
One evening a hysterical woman stopped me on the street and blurted out a terrible confession. Clutching my sleeve so hard I thought she would tear it, she said, "Mr. Wilkerson, I am facing the darkest hour of my life. I don't know which way to turn. My husband has left me, and it's all my fault. When I think of how I failed God and my family, it is almost impossible for me to sleep at night.What in the world am I going to do?"
I was moved to tell her, "My friend, lift up your hands, right now on this street corner, and begin to worship the Lord. Tell Him that you know you are a failure, but you still love Him so. Then go home and get on your knees. Don't ask God for a thing - just lift up your heart and your hands and worship Him."
I left that lady standing on the street corner with her hands raised to heaven, tears rolling down her cheeks, praising the Lord and already tasting the victory that was beginning to surge back into her life.
Now, let me talk about your failure. Is there trouble in your home? Has some despised habit gripped your life so hard you can't seem to break it? Are you tormented in mind or spirit? Has God told you to do something you have failed to do? Are you out of the will of God? Are you hounded by memories of what you were at one time? Or by visions of what you can be?
Then worship the Lord in the midst of your failure! Praise Him! Exalt Him!
All this may sound like an oversimplification, but the way past failure is simple enought for children, fools and Ph.D.'s to follow successfully. Christ says,
"Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37).
"Come unto me, all ye (failures) that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 12:28).
Don't be afraid of failure. Keep going on in spite of it. Worship God until victory comes.
The hardest part of faith is the last half hour. Keep going, and you will yet face your finest hour.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Quotable Quotes, Healing & the QUOTE of quotes!
Fidges are wonderful places to find quotes: Here is one I found on a fridge in Christchurch NZ, "Happy people don't usually have a happy set of circumstances; happy people have a happy set of attitudes". So true!
In talking to a friend he mentioned a quote from a speaker who unfortunately is unknown to me and I have no knowlege of his name...but the quote was great, the context was in praying for people's healing needs, he stated; "I am not going to talk to God about your problem, I am going to talk to your problem about God". Now that's a great one!!! I so believe and know God heals today! So much so that in most public settings I feel empowered to declare healing over peoples lives. Also I have written, what I believe is a helpful tool for encouraging people contend & persevere for their miracle. It's called, "Daily Medicine". It know this will nurture your faith.
( has this resource plus others).
But still the greatest commission summed up profoundly in few words by the greatest teacher who ever lived; "Go...Make Disciples of the Nations...Baptise...Teach everything I have commanded you", is still the greatest quote ever!! It sums up with succinct clarity why Jesus came, our purpose in life and our mission! Lost people SO matter to God He sent His Son Jesus. The question is this: Is this our purpose, our mission? I think if we find ourselves getting tired & weary of this...this GREAT commission quote...we loose meaning, purpose & why we have been placed on earth for, no matter what our job or vocation is... To is a great quote I heard by Dr George Sweeting in Amsterdam in 1986, "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing".
There are sooo many detours in life, even in church life, to sideline us from what the master teacher, God Himself, has Commissioned us to do. Let's follow the Master.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Radical Relocation of GOD??
There are certian Bibilcal truths that are so liberating and foundational for me, that are keys in our Christianty. This is one of them! "GOD is with us". I get so passionate that I want to SHOUT out to everybody... The KING of all KINGS is with us 24/7...that's better news than I thought the GOOD News was!!
No other religion promises this. Yet, Christianity boldly & unashamedly declares that God is with us, in fact, He never leaves us or forsakes us! Matt 28:20. Heb 13:5. In fact it's announced as Jesus comes to earth His name is "Immanuel". Matt 1:23. (It's interesting that this is declared at the beginning of Matthew & again at the end).
I think some Christians if not purposely, but certainly in their actions, are saying God is a far away God. That's not only bad theology, it's so wrong. The songs we sometimes sing, "implore God to be with us". Sometimes the prayers we pray are, "please God be with us today...". NO...we have a near-by God, not only is He before, behind, beside, above and below, but the amazing good news is HE is IN us!!! Wow! Paul says approx. 164 times the phrase, "Christ IN us, with us etc". For eg. Col 1:27 which is the theme for Colossians, says "Christ IN you the hope of Glory".
Let me push this a little further, I wonder if some believers have an Old Testament God. In the Old Testiment, God worked with special people, at special places & at special times. In the New Testament, God announces, HE is with us! There has been a radical relocation of God! We are now the temple of the Holy Spirit! He NEVER leaves us! He works not only through a certain race or 'men', but through EVERYBODY...boys, girls, women, every race and in any place. Amazing! God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, live in us...WOW!! When you pray for somebody, He is there! When we meet together, He is there! When we go to the office, school or home, He is there! Why? Because YOU are there...He lives IN fact His address is your address!!!
HE has already come 2000 years ago...let's walk in it. I encourage you to meditate on this truth and allow it to become a revelation within you. For this is indeed a life-changing foundational liberating truth!
No other religion promises this. Yet, Christianity boldly & unashamedly declares that God is with us, in fact, He never leaves us or forsakes us! Matt 28:20. Heb 13:5. In fact it's announced as Jesus comes to earth His name is "Immanuel". Matt 1:23. (It's interesting that this is declared at the beginning of Matthew & again at the end).
I think some Christians if not purposely, but certainly in their actions, are saying God is a far away God. That's not only bad theology, it's so wrong. The songs we sometimes sing, "implore God to be with us". Sometimes the prayers we pray are, "please God be with us today...". NO...we have a near-by God, not only is He before, behind, beside, above and below, but the amazing good news is HE is IN us!!! Wow! Paul says approx. 164 times the phrase, "Christ IN us, with us etc". For eg. Col 1:27 which is the theme for Colossians, says "Christ IN you the hope of Glory".
Let me push this a little further, I wonder if some believers have an Old Testament God. In the Old Testiment, God worked with special people, at special places & at special times. In the New Testament, God announces, HE is with us! There has been a radical relocation of God! We are now the temple of the Holy Spirit! He NEVER leaves us! He works not only through a certain race or 'men', but through EVERYBODY...boys, girls, women, every race and in any place. Amazing! God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, live in us...WOW!! When you pray for somebody, He is there! When we meet together, He is there! When we go to the office, school or home, He is there! Why? Because YOU are there...He lives IN fact His address is your address!!!
HE has already come 2000 years ago...let's walk in it. I encourage you to meditate on this truth and allow it to become a revelation within you. For this is indeed a life-changing foundational liberating truth!
Thursday, February 7, 2013
It's supernatural...7000 new churches!!!!! Now that's multiplication.
Last week I had the privilege to travel to Chennai India & meet again with my church planting friend & apostolic leader Ps Kalyan Kumar. We have known each other for 20 years. It was fun to be with him & see what God is doing through him as he plants new churches. By 2025 he is aiming for 1000 churches!!! The way things are going it will happen!
We were talking about a person Dr R (Bobby) Gupta. Kalyan happened to know him well and I was able to meet with him. I was so excited!
25 years ago I first met Bobby Gupta at a church planting forum in London. I remember that day well. He spoke about His "Hindustan Bible Institute" (HBI), training leaders to begin new churches. (HBI began in 1952). The students fully graduate when they have planted a church, (or been part of the team). I thought that was so exciting when I first heard it & have kept it in my heart ever since. My dream is to see a Bible College in Europe do the same!!
So now, fast forward 25 years to February 2013 in Chennai & I meet him again at the HBI.
We end up talking non stop for a few hours...You guessed it, church planting, movements... it was so inspiring to hear what has happened. In the last 28 years over 7000 churches have been planted! Now I'm not discrediting this number, but even if it is half of this it's absolutely amazing!! Included in this are new movements, that are self sustaining and multiplying. Of course as we were speaking I was imagining a few 'Church Planting Training Centres for Western Europe', (CPTC for WE). Then I begin to dream ... what would it feel like to see whole new movements / networks begin in Europe. Some would have 30-50 churches, some would have 100's of new churches...I must admit I began to feel somewhat emotional. It was a wonderful God moment...
Paul R Gupta & Sherwood G Lingenfelter have written a very inspiring book which records the journey.
"Breaking Tradition to accomplish VISION...
Training leaders for a Church planting movement".
A chapter describes how 'formal education gradually cripples & derails a school originally founded to produce church planters. The books states, few Reformation leaders imagined the essential questions of modern mission - evangelism, making new disciples of new believers, & planting new churches.' (pge 11). Very challenging!
It is a very clear call to the church; 'Unless the church focuses on the task of making disciples & planting churches, we will not fulfill the mission of God for our generation'. (pge 4). He begins his introduction, 'God's mission for the church is to make disciples of the nations, & God insists on accomplishing that mission through us'.
To say I was inspired, challenged & fired up is an understatement! I left noticing again the huge board in the foyer which reads, I quote:
"To give every Indian an opportunity to hear, understand & respond to the Gospel and be discipled into communities of believers, so that we will see a dynamic transformational church in every village, colony, town and city of India & beyond.
Building Transformational Leaders to disciple the Nations."
Now that's one Heaven of a mission statement...and it's happening!! Western Europe...awaits such vision...
We were talking about a person Dr R (Bobby) Gupta. Kalyan happened to know him well and I was able to meet with him. I was so excited!
25 years ago I first met Bobby Gupta at a church planting forum in London. I remember that day well. He spoke about His "Hindustan Bible Institute" (HBI), training leaders to begin new churches. (HBI began in 1952). The students fully graduate when they have planted a church, (or been part of the team). I thought that was so exciting when I first heard it & have kept it in my heart ever since. My dream is to see a Bible College in Europe do the same!!
So now, fast forward 25 years to February 2013 in Chennai & I meet him again at the HBI.
We end up talking non stop for a few hours...You guessed it, church planting, movements... it was so inspiring to hear what has happened. In the last 28 years over 7000 churches have been planted! Now I'm not discrediting this number, but even if it is half of this it's absolutely amazing!! Included in this are new movements, that are self sustaining and multiplying. Of course as we were speaking I was imagining a few 'Church Planting Training Centres for Western Europe', (CPTC for WE). Then I begin to dream ... what would it feel like to see whole new movements / networks begin in Europe. Some would have 30-50 churches, some would have 100's of new churches...I must admit I began to feel somewhat emotional. It was a wonderful God moment...
Paul R Gupta & Sherwood G Lingenfelter have written a very inspiring book which records the journey.
"Breaking Tradition to accomplish VISION...
Training leaders for a Church planting movement".
A chapter describes how 'formal education gradually cripples & derails a school originally founded to produce church planters. The books states, few Reformation leaders imagined the essential questions of modern mission - evangelism, making new disciples of new believers, & planting new churches.' (pge 11). Very challenging!
It is a very clear call to the church; 'Unless the church focuses on the task of making disciples & planting churches, we will not fulfill the mission of God for our generation'. (pge 4). He begins his introduction, 'God's mission for the church is to make disciples of the nations, & God insists on accomplishing that mission through us'.
To say I was inspired, challenged & fired up is an understatement! I left noticing again the huge board in the foyer which reads, I quote:
"To give every Indian an opportunity to hear, understand & respond to the Gospel and be discipled into communities of believers, so that we will see a dynamic transformational church in every village, colony, town and city of India & beyond.
Building Transformational Leaders to disciple the Nations."
Now that's one Heaven of a mission statement...and it's happening!! Western Europe...awaits such vision...
Monday, January 28, 2013
Jesus...what did he come to do again??
Luke 19:10 says it so clearly in Jesus own words; "The Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost..."
The task is very clear, uncluttered...even simple!
Matt 28:19-20 "Jesus last words are 'GO... MAKE DISCIPLES of the Nations...BAPTIZE in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit...TEACH new disciples to obey ALL the commands I have given you. Be sure of this I AM with you always...'"
WHERE and HOW does this work best? In communities of faith...CHURCH! The most effective way to fulfill this in our lifetime is to start new Churches. I am really going out on the edge here, but I believe it is consistent with Biblical discipleship - Jesus' last command - the commission he gave His disciples which includes us, is to plant, start new communities of faith...churches of different sizes and styles. God is soooo creative!
Anyway that's what I believe Jesus told us to do!!!! What do you think?
The task is very clear, uncluttered...even simple!
Matt 28:19-20 "Jesus last words are 'GO... MAKE DISCIPLES of the Nations...BAPTIZE in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit...TEACH new disciples to obey ALL the commands I have given you. Be sure of this I AM with you always...'"
WHERE and HOW does this work best? In communities of faith...CHURCH! The most effective way to fulfill this in our lifetime is to start new Churches. I am really going out on the edge here, but I believe it is consistent with Biblical discipleship - Jesus' last command - the commission he gave His disciples which includes us, is to plant, start new communities of faith...churches of different sizes and styles. God is soooo creative!
Anyway that's what I believe Jesus told us to do!!!! What do you think?
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Title: "How to have a
successful harvest"
'The following I have found to be
keys in the process of seeing His Kingdom extended.
Before I share these keys, there
are some foundational understandings:
1. Harvest is not an event it's a
2. The further evangelism is
removed from the local church the less effective it will be.
3. In my view, and I believe it
has been proven time and time again, friendship evangelism is the BEST way to
proceed. 75-90% of people become Christians through a friend or a relative. Most
people will have 2-3 people who are either relatives or friends or work colleagues
who are open to the gospel in some way. These are the ones to specifically pray
for and ask along to a special small group, church event, concert or guest speaker.
The keys...
1. SOW seed. Keep sowing seed.
There is no tree without the sowing of seed.
2. You receive in the harvest the
KIND of seed you sowed. Plant apple seeds, you will get an apple tree.
3. You receive in the harvest
MORE than what you sowed. If you sow one apple seed, you receive not only
another tree, but lots of apples and countless MORE seeds. That's what happens
in the natural, imagine… the supernatural!!
4. You reap in ANOTHER SEASON to
when you sowed. Sometimes it takes months, even years for the harvest to show
itself. Keep sowing!!
5. There is NOTHING you can do
about the harvest of yesterday...but you can EFFECT THE HARVEST OF TOMORROW!!
Keep sowing Gospel seeds - lives depend on it!!
Until next time...
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Passions & Talents - How do we find them?
Title: Passion & Talents - how do
we find them?
How can we find our Passions
and Talents?
What were we created to
We are so uniquely and wonderfully
created; how can we maximize what God has given to us for His Glory?
Each one of us has been given
abilities and gifts. It seems that many don't know what they are. Before God we
will not be responsible for what talents or gifts we don't have, but we are
responsible for those we do have. (There are many free 'Gift analysis'
questionnaires on line...this will certainly add to the picture you can build
of your passions). Our gifts and talents are locked within what we are
passionate about.
Answering these questions below will
empower you and lead you towards the following: 1. You will
know how you are wired up and what to do with the one life God has given you. 2.
You will know what to focus on and what NOT to. You will know what to say YES
to and what to say NO to. For example, if you are passionate about public speaking
or hospitality, you'll be more motivated to study this subject in depth and
become even more skilled. 3. You will be able to pray specifically for
the talents God has given you, finding creative ways to use them. 4.
Finding your passions will lead you to better understand your gifts &
talents. 5. You will better understand yourself, which is always
helpful. 6. Answering the questions below will enable you to become more
productive. 7. If you work in your passions you will enjoy what you are
doing much more. Even the difficult things will be OK for you can see the end
4 easy Steps in answering these questions.
Step 1. Begin to pray specifically about what God might be saying to
you through this process.
Step 2. Take time to think and answer the questions. This is not a one
day thing...take a couple of months over it.
Step 3. It helps to write answers in a small notebook that you go to
every day or two and add to what you have written. A picture will begin to form
of your passions and even your talents.
Step 4. Ask respected peers and those in leadership over you "what
do you see me passionate about?", and "What do you see are my talents
or gifts?" Again note the answers down. Writing clarifies and un-clutters
Here are the questions:
1. If you could mobilize the
masses, what would you do?
2. If someone gave you
unlimited finances and resources, what would you do?
3. What do think about all the
4. What do you care deeply
about? (Your treasures / your values).
5. What would you do if you
knew you could not fail?
6. What do you believe God
wants you to do?
7. If you could snap your
fingers to get something done, what would happen?
8. What absorbs you and
captures your attention?
9. What things are you committed
10. Slogans and Creeds?
11. What have you achieved with
competence or success?
12. Where do you belong? (A
large city, small town, medium sized City, the country...?)
13. Are there any should's that
have trailed you?
14. What is ministry for you?
15. What are the events and
situations of the past that have ignited good feelings in you?
Enjoy...remember it's a journey. God has
wired you up a certain way. May this serve you so you are able to find your
passions and envision His dreams for your all Glory goes to Him.
Enjoy...remember it's a journey. God has
wired you up a certain way. May this serve you so you are able to find your
passions and envision His dreams for your all Glory goes to Him.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Do we realize how much God has given us?
Flying back from London this year, I was reading the daily mail. There was sad but fascinating article about a homeless man who was found frozen to death in Wyoming. He died from hypothermia under a railway overpass. Authorites found few uncashed cheques in his wallet. The story doesn't end there. His name was Tim Gray who was an adopted son of the wider Clark family when he was five by Dr Gerald Gray. At the time of his death Tim was due to inherit 12 million pounds!!
A very sad story indeed. But maybe as disciples of Christ we live not realizing how much God has given us? Let's go back in time and look at the story Jesus told of the lost son. (They are 3 stories making the same point - but that's another story). Luke 15:1-32.
The younger son comes home ashamed & repentant and even after the Father gives him the
'finest robe' - signifing, honour,
a 'ring' - this gave the son power of attorney (authority),
'sandals' - which stands for freedom, the father gives the younger son a huge party!!
The older son enters the story and is angry and will not enter the party... 'I've slaved for you all these years never once refused to do a single thing you told me to do. You have never given me a party so I could celebrate with my this son of your's...'
The father replies, 'you are always with me & EVERYTHING I have is YOUR'S'.
Two powerful supernatural basic truths that run through the New Testiment: He is with us! And EVERYTHING I have is your's!
Tim was adopted. Did he realize what he had? Maybe he did, but didn't walk in what was his. We are adopted. Do you realize what you have in Christ?
The inheritance is being contested by family and friends...there's a terrible fight going on!! Our fight has already been fought & JESUS!!
A very sad story indeed. But maybe as disciples of Christ we live not realizing how much God has given us? Let's go back in time and look at the story Jesus told of the lost son. (They are 3 stories making the same point - but that's another story). Luke 15:1-32.
The younger son comes home ashamed & repentant and even after the Father gives him the
'finest robe' - signifing, honour,
a 'ring' - this gave the son power of attorney (authority),
'sandals' - which stands for freedom, the father gives the younger son a huge party!!
The older son enters the story and is angry and will not enter the party... 'I've slaved for you all these years never once refused to do a single thing you told me to do. You have never given me a party so I could celebrate with my this son of your's...'
The father replies, 'you are always with me & EVERYTHING I have is YOUR'S'.
Two powerful supernatural basic truths that run through the New Testiment: He is with us! And EVERYTHING I have is your's!
Tim was adopted. Did he realize what he had? Maybe he did, but didn't walk in what was his. We are adopted. Do you realize what you have in Christ?
The inheritance is being contested by family and friends...there's a terrible fight going on!! Our fight has already been fought & JESUS!!
church planting,
Faith. Vision Churches,
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