
Nick in Gent, Belgium

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What are we up to? - Journalling - Sanity restored. The BEST way to fulfill Matt 28!

What are we up to?
  • We are off to Karlsruhe, Germany this weekend, (23rd - 26th October), to meet with Bryce & Kate Gilmor, and their family & speak in their church! What a blast from the past this will be. Bryce & Kate are serving with Stieger International. They were in our church in Hamilton many years ago, as singles & then as a young married couple. It will be alot of fun & laughs I'm sure!!
  • On the 27th Oct. we are in Ede meeting with a few contacts which I'm sure will be fruitful.
  • For three weeks we have been taking the devotions in a Bible School (His Masters Commission) in Amsterdam North. We are really enjoying being with young people!
  • Finding and nurturing the connections in Europe is our main work here. We aim to begin a Saturday & Sunday meeting (2 different places in Amsterdam) before Christmas...we are looking forward to this. We have 2 buildings to use.
  • I will put some Church planting quotes at the END of this BLOG.
Journalling - Sanity restored! I have been journalling now for almost 20 years. I think it has been a critical ingredient in my christian life. As I talk to people in leadership, I am surprised at how many DON'T journal.
Journalling is powerful for several reasons...
1. It is like talking to another person. I find that sometimes talking to someone else helps to clarify issues & situations. If the issue is private & personal then it is great to journal it. Also journalling it over a few days or weeks can really help come to some clarification, answers & action points.
2. Journalling captures the issues, concerns, fears, attitudes & bad thinking patterns on the page! This is huge. Our minds can go round & round & round over a hurt, issue or wrong thinking that can be destructive. Remember that from our thinking, comes our emotions, which in turn causes actions. That's good if our thinking is good, but if it is negative or destructive in some way our emotions will be effected and this can lead to wrong actions. So to interrupt stinking thinking journalling is a key. There are times I write out whole prayers.
3. I often receive preaching messages, ideas & revelation while journalling. If we let the theater of our imagination run; where will it take you? I go to all sorts of wonderful places in God, dreaming, imagining & planning. I also capture those thoughts on a page. This enables me to process them - pray about them and see what God says in it all.

People often say as I did when I began, "What do you write". Sometimes you need to prime the pump to get it started. I began by asking the question, "What did I do yesterday?...How did I feel yesterday went?...What am I enjoying today?...What can I give thanks for today?...What are my major concerns at this time?...What is God saying to me about these?..."

I wrote this when I changed Journals at the beginning of 2010...
Why Journal?
-Disappointments are able to be de-cluttered.
-Untruths are brought out into the light.
-Truths are uncovered.
-Sadness is captured & held long enough to ask the appropriate questions.
-Gladness is celebrated.
-Difficulties are able to be spoken about freely & easily.
-It gives counsel.
-Dreams are nurtured.
-Questions are answered.
-Revelation is recorded.
-It brings self awareness.
-My thinking is checked.
-Prayers are recorded & re-prayed.
-It uncovers heartache & brings healing.
-Perspectives are clarified.
-Messages from God are saved.
-Insights are gained & captured.
-The future is discovered & imagined.
-Clarity comes.
-God ideas come to the surface.
So why wouldn't you begin Journalling! Believe me if I can do it, anyone can...

NOW for the quotes...on the BEST way to evangelize!!
(from the book "Viral Churches" - By Ed Stetzer & Warren Bird. Jossey-Bass).
  • "The best way to fulfill the great commission that Jesus gave to us in Matt 28, is to plant new Churches". Rick Warren.
  • "The single most effective evangelistic method under Heaven is planting new churches" ...who in turn reproduce themselves. Peter Wagner.
  • Pauls missionary journeys were church planting journeys.
  • Paul planted new churches, that in turn planted new churches.
  • The early church implemented the Great Commission mandate primarily by planting churches.
  • The healthiest churches are those who reproduce...
  • ...Disciples multiplying churches - not the other way around...
  • "It's time to stop counting converts and begin counting congregations." Ralph Moore.
  • What a great goal for every church plant...for every new church that is planted, to be born pregnant!!!
  • To really change things, we need to learn how to multiply churches.
  • "The only way to increase the number & percentage of Christians in a city is to plant thousands of new churches". Tim Keller
  • "New church planting is the only way that we can be sure we are going to increase the number of believers in a city & one of the best ways to renew the Body of Christ." Tim Keller.
The conclusion:
Let's not waste hard earned mission's dollars...use them to plant new churches!
Thank you for taking the time to read this...
...Until next time... think about how you can multiply yourself...