It has been excellent & a privilege speaking & ministering in various NZ & Aussie churches over the past year. We are having a welcome break from not having to be away & travelling as much, but still busy preparing for Christmas & the first part of next year & of course Europe. We are leaving NZ on the 6th of April 2010. It will be all go till then. There are two priorities:
1. Find & disciple, (mentor, coach), church planting leaders;
2. Create a beach-head by planting the first churches.
Also there are many things that need to be done before we leave, language learning, packing & more packing, raising finance, renting our home; BUT the most important is please pray for God connections with people to work with us, (here & in Europe). Please pray for divine intervention & interruptions; supernatural connections, events & leadings. We are so expectant for this to happen & we need to see this happen! We are believing & praying for signs, wonders & miracles. We want people to see, feel, know & hear HIM speak to them!
A highlight was to be at the ATC ( staff Christmas lunch 4th Dec...It was very inspiring & exciting...WHY? For the training centre celebrated 25 years of operating!!! Peter Dobbs was able to speak about the passion for Kingdom work. Peter began the Training centre with Phil Underwood. Phil (a previous Pastor of Eastside) was able to speak to us on the phone from Philadelphia, where he Pastors a Church. It was powerful as they spoke about simply seeing a need and doing something about it, believing God to change lives! ATC Training began with one staff member 25 years ago, & now has approx 140 staff including contractors. Thousands of lives have been influenced & impacted. What a great testimony!
In my last blog I wrote about 2 things I have needed to say to my self over the last two & a half decades, here they are:
1. If you are the leader do everyone a favour & simply lead.
2. Grow up.
HERE are the other two:
3. Leadership can be cruel. Sometime no matter what a leader does it's going to upset somebody & the leader has to bear the brunt of it. Often Karen & I will say or think, "but it's unfair". But we need to remind ourselves - "Life is unfair...I have to get over it!" Tough ay...yip leadership isn't for the fainthearted. Give yourself time, a day or two really helps, & you will get over it. Journal in the good times so that in the difficult times the habit has been will help. keep doing the basics of discipleship. Remember Christ is in us, we are called to live a supernatural life. It also helps to remember Jesus said to forgive 70x7 times...that's supernatural!! As a leader learn quickly to forgive & keep your heart light!
4. I cannot let my past determine my future. For stagnation, cynicism & discouragement will reign if I as a leader let the past determine my future. It will hinder you & worse it will hinder others from flourishing around you!
Anyway that's my thoughts...Have a great Christmas & may 2010 be an enlarging one & full of God's presence! Our love...Nick & Karen.