Ray Pickett was ordained on the Friday evening of Inspire...it was a very special event both for Ray and Eastside. Fantastic to have so many Pastors, leaders & friends there!
Some thoughts that inspired me: Martin's message on the Kingdom of God was revelationary!! It's all about Lordship. The Kingdom of God is all about total submission & surrender to God's Lordship.
Some more Martin Steel quotes: "Whatever we focus on will grow." "What is the mandate of your Church, how much rhythm is in that area?" "The season between sowing & reaping is usually marked by less or lack."
His message on Relationships was outstanding. One of the best I've heard.
"We have been moulded & designed by God so we are able to express Him, that's Supernatural". Don Lake.
"An earthly King would take everything we have; God the King of Kings, doesn't only ask for the best, He gives the best!!!" Sheridyn Rodgers. "The death of Jesus meant curtains for the curtain".
2010 Inspire theme is "It's all about JESUS". 22nd-25th - July!!! Plan to be there!!!
Twitter is a great tool: I'm on it; I've found it a quick & easy to use for communicating... www.twitter.com
Karen & I are in Christchurch with Steve & Christine Graham at Westside Church 30th July - 4th August.
Sunday 9th August we are in Te Awamutu Church with Andrew & Judy Vossen.
14th - 17th August we are in Paraparaumu Church and Engage Service in Waikane (Sunday night), with Lawrence & Philippa Kirby.
19th - 26th of August we are in Christchurch again with Warren & Jeanette Height; plus we will catch up with many other Pastors & Leaders as well.
Then Raglan on the 30th August!!
For 20 years I've had a dream & I feel a word to plant a movement/movements of Churches in Western Europe. Well we are aiming to go in (still under discussion & prayer) April 2010 and plant in Holland!!! We have contacts in Belguim. It will be initally 4-6 months creating a beach-head. We see this is a season & window for us to do this...there is still alot to do of course, but that's the idea so far.
Thanks for praying for us...please feel free to contact us...Catch you somewhere in NZ perhaps...